miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

Studying abroad

Lab session 2

Hello dear ones!

In today's lab session you'll work on a specific and more formal kind of letter;the request letter

By the end of this session, you'll be able to write a letter asking for specific information about a course abroad.

Did you know...?

There are tons of options if you want to study abroad. Have a look at this one:

And very close, yes...here at the UST we have this option for you:

Asking for information

Activity 1

Have a look at the following words and then complete the email with them . In your notebook only write the numbers and the words you decided for the gaps.



Activity 2

Read the email again and write a tick next to each sentence containing true information about it. In your notebook just write the letter of the true sentences plus the check.

a.......     It’s the first time Richard has written to the organization.  
b.......    He has never been part of a conversation group before.
c......     He wants to find out about a job.
d......     He asks for information about transport.
e......     He asks about equipment.
f......      He tells how he found out about the group.

Language in Use          

How much do you know about indirect questions?

 Let’s see some important aspects:

In writing, we often use this type of questions to sound polite.

Indirect questions...

  • Example:
  • Can you tell me what time it is.

  • Use statement word order.
  • Don’t use do/does/did.
  • Use if /whether when there isn’t a question word.
  •  Often use introductory phrases like: I would like to …, Can you...,etc.

Note: Go to intranet and find extra explanations and examples about this. 

Activity 3

Find indirect questions in the email, write them in your notebook  in the order they appear and number them.

Activity 4

Make indirect questions using the introductory phrases. 

Write them down in your notebook with their corresponding number.

Direct questions
Indirect questions
1. Why did she laugh?
Could you tell…?

2. Whose wallet was it?
I would like to know …

3. Where is the nearest post office ?
I wonder…

4. Does Sally have any free tickets for the football match?
Can you tell me …?

5. How much does the FCE course preparation cost?
I’d be grateful if you could tell me …

6. Will I have to take a bus and the subway or just a bus to go to your house ?
I would like you to confirm …

For you to remember:

Form & meaning of indirect questions:

  1. If we do not begin a question directly, but begin it with something like: Can you tell me…? Do you know…? I wonder if…? The word order is the same as in an affirmative statement.
    • Direct question: What is he doing?
      Indirect question: Do you know what he is doing?
    • Direct question: Where have they been?
      Indirect question: I wonder where they have been?
  2. If the direct question contains the auxiliary DO, we omit it in the indirect question.
    • Direct question: What do you want?
      Indirect question: Can you tell me what you want?
    • Direct question: When did she leave?
      Indirect question: Do you know when she left?
  3. In yes/no questions, if or whether is used. The word order is the same as in reported questions.
    • Direct question: Have you seen my dog?
      Indirect question: Could you tell me if you have seen my dog?
For home extra practise go to: http://autoenglish.org/questions/gr.indirect.i.htm
(personal and optional activity for self study)

Task 2

You are going to write an email to a foreign language school asking for information about their courses. To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Browse these links and choose the language school and the city that appeals to you. 


Steps 2 and 3

aUse the content checklist below to plan your text. 
b. Then use your plan to handwrite your first draft
c. Include at least two Indirect questions. Hand in your work to your teacher at the end of the lab session. IN your notebook

TO CONSIDER: All these elements must appear  in your email following the   order below:

  • a.Where you heard about and/or got interested in  the course.
  • b. Specific skills you want to improve
  • c. City you selected and hours a week.
  • d. Kind of accommodation
  • e.Cost (tuition, lodging,etc)
  • f. After-school activities you would like to have.
  • g.Trips to other places in the country   
            • h.(Your own idea(s))


 When your teacher returns you your first draft with his or her comments and suggestions, you MUST type a second improved mail and send your email to the Institution you have chosen. Hopefully you will get an answer, which must be printed and submitted together with your improved email  for correction and marking.

Now. Enjoy a traveling song.

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